Saturday Morning, Saturday Morning, Saturday Morning,
Excitement , anticipation, concern, doubt, apprehension, eagerness, only a small portion of emotions festering, blooming, growing, inside me waiting to start another adventure, another challenge, not just physical endurance but alas mental strength , spiritual conviction, holistically joined making this man the man he wants to be to please his own soul taking his psych to levels that spur thoughts here to now in-perceivable. Riders unknowingly emit hidden emotional fear as they gather at the start like sheep ready to march to better pastures provided their not slaughtered by mountain lions, or worst yet failure. Like most races or tours, all starts slow, walking, slow riding, then every man, woman and child for himself, the first big turn is the best, the popping of inept tires echoing through the woods, the slipping of dried chains, the clanking of rusted jammed derailleurs, you must be prepared for the tour, physically, mentally and mechanically. I am such a person. Motorcycle escorts rev their big bikes , escorting , guarding, guiding, like guardian angels watching their diminutive riders struggling at the first hill. Hills, a geographic necessity,
yet challenging for riders, I am awed by Tour De France Riders climbing the Alps , the Pyrenees, Mont blanc, nothing like the hell affronting me in Summit, Ms, thighs on fire, arms tensely pulling on bars for counter force, calves burn, heart pumping like a Diesel , grasping for each breathe, then finally , the summit, down the other side 30 miles an hour , that thrill,worth the pain, speed cures all.
I skip the first 2 rest stops , trained for a 30 mile non stop, passed many riders, crossed the Tangipohoa
River, beautiful homes, ranches, farms, cabins , down right dumps, all on the same road..
At this point my endorphins have overridden serotonin reuptaking, my real fears surface , popping across brain cells like New Yorkers scurrying through traffic, real fears? , Big Foot sighting, may carry me into the woods , pimp me to the clan, Chubracabra could sink his fangs in my heaving throat, draining ounce by ounce of blood till I'm pale, dead , lifeless and withered, brain eating amoeba jumping out the river, attacking my nose, eating my brain, making me brainless like?, well you fill in this part, or worst of all, a chihuahua breaks his chain , attacks me, causing me to blink, turn my head and laugh...
Overcoming these fears weighs heavy, I can't train for psychology, can't even spell it, facing my fears is the only way, once they happen I'll face them... Rode with a rider I met, Clarence; is 66, rides a late 60's early 70's Raleigh steel English Racer, I commented to Clarence, " your strong and fast for a 66 year old", he replied,"yes Gary, since the second stint in my heart it's been a lot easier", signaling the end of he man Gary.
We post 60 riders usually have something to prove to ourselves and others, Lance Armstrong says "endurance athlete's are running from something", probably our beleaguered selves, our engorged egos' , our
shallow souls, our tired bodies, our empty and corrupt this long allows opportunity to empty your compassion bucket, your love bag, your kindred spirit sack....
Along comes a big white Honda Motorcycle, it's Brian , my American Legion friend, he's one of the guardian angel motorcyclist that ride up and down the entire length of the tour making sure everyone is safe , on the right road , moving along.. It would be tough without them, if you stop , they stop, flats, injuries, falls, or need the SAG wagon cause you can't cut it ..thanks ladies and gentlemen...
At this point in the tour I'm high as a kite, my brain cells are snapping out loud,,no more pain, no more strain, just peddling like a machine fresh with fuel , wide open,,. I glance into the woods occasionally looking for the Big Brown Guy with the giant feet, no not Ricky Jackson, I'm talking about Big Foot, he's out there waiting to capture your imagination, stink up your nostrils, leave some prints , never to be seen.
Lunch stop was great, plenty plastic out houses, spiked mashed potatoes, pasta, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cookies , cakes sandwiches, candy, 10k, power aid, bananas, oranges, Fig Newtons,
nuts, pickles, power drinks, energy bars, some riders never leave, they finish the tour right there.
I make it a quick stop , a PBJ ,on my way, up a hill, pump pump pump, weathers great, temps is a little warm , but I'm a hot weather rider, it suits me fine, hate the cold, stuck some cookies in my pocket for later.
Across open farmland, through wooded roads overhung with leaning willow trees, some roads smooth, some rough, don't matter at this point, it's just road, plink ,plink,plink, raindrops, oh oh , looking up a gray wall approaches with haste, I stop, encase my gear in plastic with haste, then wam it hit me ,
pounding rain, hurts my arms, face , legs, I keep riding for I know there's another side to every storm, coming out the other side I dry quickly 10 minutes later it never happened. The last road before the park is straight, level, fast , I can smell the finish line, like a wild horse smells water, I'm going for it. I get to the park entrance, path in the park is curved, deep up and downs , speed bumps, I race through 25 miles an hour, the wind blowing my hair back like a flag waving in the wind. (yea), I hear the announcer calling in riders, there it is, the big balloon finish line , I slow down to be sure the photographer get a good shot of me crossing the finish line, the announcer , who I know, stops to interview me, "how was the tour this year?" , "Great", I respond,, "How many is this Gary?", "7 " I reply, "6 hours and 15 minutes a new record for me".
I find Marie and it's off to the luxurious hotel for food and rest, tomorrow's another day, another tour , another 75 miles, another adventure and another blog.. Stay tuned. Part 2 Coming soon.
Gary Gauthier , died twice already , not afraid of hell.
Click on the pics to enlarge...
Saturday morning Start at SELU 8:00 am |
First leg , Saturday morning, crispy ... |
Back side of Hammond |
Heading for the mountains. |
Gathering at starting line |
1100 riders, ready to go |
Making last minute checks . |
The Tour is on .... |
Young riders enjoy passing me |
Bridge over the Tangipahoa |
Tangipahoa River. |
Long straight climb. |
My new friend Clarence,,,, 66 Yrs old, 2 heart stints. kicking ass. | |
Clarence rides a late 60''s early 70's Raleigh steel English Racer.. |
Through the woods. |
Beautiful Layout. |
Rough Road Downhill |
Approaching Rest Stop |
Skipped the first 2 rest stops, stopped at this one. |
My Friend Eric from East Bank Cyclery |
Eric Fixing Riders Bikes. |
Big Beautiful Estate. |
1/2 mile road to the Big House |
Mushroom's Growing in the Field. |
Clouds building up |
100 or so acres of open pasture |
Same pasture |
Lunch Stop |
Lunch Stop |
Lunch Stop |
Lunch Stop |
On the road again....hills ahead. |
just a beautiful scene |
Cattle resting under the shade trees. |
Fenced in Ranch |
Hilly ranch , horses... |
Over my shoulder |
Rural Neighborhoods |
Climbing a small one. |
Some riders walk over the peaks,,,, |
this man is at least 70 years old and is on my ass the entire tour...He's tough as nails. |
Rest Stop at a junction |
Rest stop |
I think this is the truck from Deliverance |
Through a small town. |
this is what you see when a thunderstorm is about to beat you up . |
down hill the up again. |
coming down a big one. |
My Legion friend Brian Wise, he and the other bikers are like guardian angels watching over us. |
going up a big one.
Entrance to Percy Quinn |
Entrance road to Percy Quinn, very fast. |
Saturday Finish Line |
After the finish line.. |