In 1965 I was sitting on tubular kitchen chair whose seat was covered in light green vinyl,
my black high top tennis shoes rested on the linoleum floor dotted in purple and red flowers except on the ridges of the floor planks that were a brownish non colored color. The old black and white Motorola TV set struggled to show the Long Ranger and Tonto, a light dotty snow enhanced by the rolling horizontal bar , it was exactly 15 seconds from top to bottom.
The window fan sucked in hot humid air, sweat covered my thin well washed white t-shirt and
the fat creases in my arm were lined with dirt beads. During the Meritta bread commercial
I scanned my pocket to find a dollar and ten cents in change, my life' s savings.
I wondered what am I gonna be when I grow up.
I looked around the room and realized then as I do now that all paths lead to here, no matter where here is, it's not a choice it's a path, you can try others , the scenery may be different and the trek may be different but the journeys end is always the same.
So here I sit in 2005 and as I watch the Long Ranger and Tonto on a new Digital Motorola TV
( yes, their still on ) , I wonder what am I gonna be when I grow up, knowing dam well that all paths lead to here anyway.... That my friends is "HOPE".
Those of of us that are blessed are born with it and ultimately die with it.
In other news, Neil sheetrocked the bottom of the master bedroom, and Kevin helped
me do the hall and the closets and Marie helped me do the master bedroom closet.
Still waiting on a roof , still trying to set up the rest of the sheetrock work, but we have movement. All the debris in front of the house has been removed.
Rode 25 miles this morning , went to Audubon Park, looked great, like nothing out of place except a few live oak branches were trimmed back. Cool temperatures. felt great.
Dove across the lake for weekly granddaughter visit, she's doing great, gaining weight,
pretty as ever and developing an attitude like her mother. Feisty.