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Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I visited the house yesterday, I'm not sure its' still our home , it been taken over by a hurricane, it's haunted with water and rot and wind damage. Yes , what they say is right, metairie and New Orleans look like Beriut after a war. Any tree of respectable size is down, any bill board over 5 feet high is bent over, I have water coming in my house through the leaking roof and up form the flood waters. No electricity, no water, no sewerage.So we stay in Baton Rouge till my daughter gets electricity then we go to covington. One step at a time. I'm starting to enjoy red cross meals. The house, a shell of the home it once was. God help us. .
I miss New Orleans. She'll never be the same.
My camera and I will have to find new dreams to record, new adventures.
new life. First I have to fix my house. A secure cave is priority one.
A good fire is second .Then we hunt and fish...

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