Yes we are home at last, feels good, ....
the bed room is done (see pic, the one with the bed), the ceramic floor I installed so there's no carpet to rip out, I raised the front bedroom furniture to new FEMA flood standards, and finished my office (the green room).
We have one more bed room to do then we're done. I have been bike riding in spite of everything, did 15 miles yesterday. Haven't had much play time, work work work, but we.ve recovered, I hope that others that are disposed get back in their homes as well.
The only thing that speeds up recovery is to do as much as you can yourself, set goals ,and be resolved to get there.
There are 4 FEMA trailers on my block. We had a lot of help , starting with Uncle Elster and Aunt Esle taking us in in Baton Rouge , Neil getting us a room there, Neil and his in laws, Danny, and Nat stripping my carpet and moving furniture and covering the roof, Diana and Kevin helping me strip the house, Neil , Kevin and Rusty helping me cover the roof with blue tarp, Neil and Stacy helping me rebuild , Dennnis across the street helped me with the ceramic tile, Mom for taking Marie and I in so we'd have a place to live while we worked on the house and Marie for supporting, helping and encouraging me to push onward.
Therre's no way we'lll ever repay them but I don't think repayment is what they had in mind,
It's just what family and friends do. I'll be blogging more often now that I have my "fortress of Solitude" back..
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