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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring has Sprung.

Spring has sprung and I'm getting ready to get serious.
First rite of spring , walk the Crescent City Classic with Stacy (daughter). We had a great time,
the weather was great , the crowd was great, the start was great, the finish was great and
Tad Gormley Stadium was full to the brim with runners, walkers, baby carriages,
strollers, every shape, size, age and look of person you can imagine was there.
The Bucktown All Star's walked with us a while, great music.
We didn't win this year but who cares, it was fun.
As I write this Marcia Ball's in concert on the TV,, wow inspirational .
I'm celebrating Easter with family tomorrow then we start training for the 150 mile
MS Tour for Cure, this will be my fourth adventure. I'm registered, I have my room reservation, just got a new back wheel, I'm ready to get at it. Countdown to October 4th and 5th. I am sad to report I've lost my training buddy Frank, Frank retired, he still rides but earlier in the day. We'll still get together as often as possible. Enjoy retirement Frank, I miss your company.

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