Friday night , cold windy, had to ride , was driven, did 35 miles no choice is was a sanity issue.
Saturday , beautiful day did 45 miles, toured Audubon, Uptown, Canal, the Quarter, City Park,
Lakefront, sunshiny, relaxing, got home in time to take Marie to chew on beef at Golden Corral
then took mom, Marie, sister, and granddaughter to the same places I rode today to see Christmas lights.
Plus we went at Lafanierre 2 blocks from my house and paid 3 dollar to see the lights I can see out my back door. Sunday only rode 10 miles , listened to the saints game on the mp player, got home for the exciting finish. Someone has a big ass to keep pulling these games out of it. I'm not a big football fan but I'll watch or listen to the Saints if their winning. . Found a new food to energy while riding , it's a fruit roll up called a FOOT. Packs a sugary punch., I can't believe they let kids eat this stuff. Injury report, Hip stopped hurting, wrist is the same, stiff neck is tuff till I hit the muscle relaxer,(pill). Yes Virgina I believe in better living through chemistry. In tv westerns no matter what ailment a victim had, whether is was yellow fever or a gunshot wound the doctor ordered hot water, everyone to leave the room , put a hot compress on the victims forehead and says , "we;ll have to wait to see how he is in the morning". No pills,no operation, no salves, no syrups, no powders, just a compress on the forehead. Amazing, If your happened to live in Northfork where the rifleman lived, John Mccane, you got to see this every week, outstanding citizen, father, role model , managed to kill someone with his fancy rifle every week, That's 52 people a year. Mass Murder.
The Lone Ranger never killed anyone, he shot their gun out of their hand and didn't even hurt their hand.
Roy Rogers shot people but always a graze wound nothing serious. Matt Dillon gave then a shot to the gut with no bloodshed and the man who was a hired killer "Paladin" killed less than anybody.
The Lone Ranger owned a silver mine, that's why he didn't have to work and where his silver bullets came from. He wore the mask so the bad Rangers that shot him wouldn't recognize him when he met up with them again, Never Happened, He and Tonto were childhood friends and Tonto saved him after the attack by the bad Rangers. Kemosabe means "good scout".
The Long Ranger was the cleanest cowboy in the west, he was impeccable , never a spec of dirt on his skin tight britches. Whats all this have to do with bike riding,. When you bike riding you think alot. These are some of the things you think of.
No I didn't see any of them this time but who knows what up the road (rode).
gary on the fringe.........
My request for more bathrooms was answered. |
Crew Boat with outhouse |
pelican |
Pelicans |
Start of the Mr Bingo Parade onn Canal St. |
Old Sealtest Creamery. |
Old DH Holmes Decorated |
DH Holmes on Canal st Decorated |
Lafanierre at a distance. |
Me and My old Buddy Ignatius Riley |
A lighted Christmas tree DUH. |
Lights at lafanierre. |
Lombardi Trophy at Lafinerre |
fat assed Snowman. |
Christmas Toy Soldier |
The corner of Galvez, Canal , and Tonti, all gone. note you can see St Josephs and Deutches Haus |
reviewing stand on canal for the Bingo Parade.
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