The last 3 weekends I've kicked ass, 35 miles on Friday nights, 50 Saturday, 50 Sunday, 15 Monday, and 10 Wednesday, adds up to a 160 miles week. The heat has been a great motivator to NOT stop ,stopping is walking into a blast furnace. Night riding is best, cool, muggy, scary, unknown around every corner, a catastrophe could befall me any minute, but it doesn't , plenty sights to see, smells to enjoy, keeping vision focused on the headlight beam a challenging necessity.
Joie de vivre , lust for life, relishing every minute through sensations, it's all a bohemian mindset. In the words of Manard G Crebbs, "it's cool man". A vagabond expression of freedoms hope never realized further than the brow. I know we're just cave dwellers with ACT scores, but the vision bares souls, conscience, compassion, love, and finally neurotic behavior. Is it different than the kid on a red stripped down wobbly tire, wooden pedal, torn seat bike digging in a flattened half pack of WInstons for a smoke to clear his head, striking a paper match on the tattered book from the Topaz Lounge bragging about thier 25 cent Hi Balls, gazing over his territory like a Viking after a victory. Nothing's changed , view , feeling, senses, what I give for a WInston..
click on the pic to enlarge.. recommend....
River View
This is area 91 , rumored to hold the bodies of 2 Chubracabras under examination . No one allowed past this gate
River Front
Explaining to this squirrel the dangers of being on the ground with Coyotes on the loose.
Behind each of these trees lurks a Coyote waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting Chihuahua.
My head made that dent.
Bad moon arising.... |
Still chasing me.
Found some shade. Over 26,000 miles The Sign says it all. |
Said he was thirsty |
Chubacabra Liar. |