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Thursday, August 11, 2011

 The last 3 weekends I've kicked ass, 35 miles on Friday nights, 50 Saturday, 50 Sunday, 15 Monday, and 10 Wednesday,  adds up to a 160 miles week. The heat has been a great motivator to NOT stop ,stopping is walking into a blast furnace.  Night riding is best,  cool, muggy, scary, unknown around every corner, a catastrophe could befall me any minute, but it  doesn't , plenty sights to see, smells to enjoy, keeping  vision focused on the headlight beam a challenging necessity.  Joie de vivre ,  lust for life,  relishing every minute through sensations, it's all a bohemian mindset.  In the words of Manard G Crebbs, "it's cool man". A vagabond expression of freedoms hope never realized further than the brow. I know we're just cave dwellers with ACT scores, but the vision bares souls, conscience, compassion, love, and finally neurotic behavior.   Is it different than the kid on a red stripped down wobbly tire, wooden pedal, torn seat bike digging in a flattened half pack of WInstons for a smoke to clear his head,  striking a paper match on the tattered book from the Topaz Lounge bragging about thier 25 cent Hi Balls,  gazing over his territory like a Viking after a victory.   Nothing's changed , view , feeling,  senses, what I give for a WInston..    

click on the pic to enlarge.. recommend....
River View
This is area 91 , rumored to hold the bodies of 2 Chubracabras under examination . No one allowed past this gate

River Front
Explaining to this squirrel the dangers of being on the ground with Coyotes on the loose.
Behind each of these trees lurks a Coyote waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting Chihuahua.
My head made that dent.

Bad moon arising....

Still chasing me.

Found some shade.
Over 26,000 miles
The Sign says it all.
Said he was thirsty
Chubacabra Liar.

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