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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Crescent City Classic 2013

 Great weather, cool in the morning , warming as the morning progressed. , 27,000 participants,
all anxious to go ..... I realize the new staging area is necessary because of the numbers but I found it cold and  cattle call like.  It lacked the warm welcome of Decateur St start....  It took Stacy and I 16 minutes to get to the starting line... Neil was running and got there right away.... He did very well, 58 minutes. .
Stacy and I did our normal 1 hour and 58 minutes.... We started out slow and tapered off .
The last mile or 2 I had to walk behind  her in case she fell backwards so I could catch her. .
We liked the medals and we did get a banana at the finish. .  We had a great time, gawking at the weirdos,
making fun of everybody,  and knew we were perfect and cool .   Wasn't too crowed to walk,  the wagons were a little obnoxious and usually are.  At the finish I spent about 1 hour looking for Sally,  silver skirt , black top, I asked everyone there if they were her, all said no, there were at least 9,000 women in glittery skirts and black tops. . Next year..... she did good, I'm proud of my daughter, my son and Sally they all worked hard and had a good time. . . Great friend and family event  for anyone.
I've won it several times but now I just walk it. . I think Sally was 2nd place in the women's division.
Way to go Sally, , next year Neil, just relax and enjoy the race... Stacy we need a cool costume for next year, I liked my hat and glasses this year. .  Later

Buses to Shuttle

Waiting line for buses..
the finish Line
The bandstand
\subtract 16.30 min from this time for our real time

City Park 

Poydras St 

Back up to Dome ,

Military Band 

I'm meditating, self Hypnosis, and calling on Truman Gandhi to let me survive this  challenge before me .

Starting Line

Neil waiting to go .

Neil out front

Stacy and I Picture taken by Truman Gandhi

Me and the Blue guy square off. 

Neils ready. 

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