What a ride, Started at the Lake front and rode to the quarter, then to City park then back to the lakefront. 40 Miles of pleasure and adventure. I got the the quarter early, it's best then,
the street sweepers have washed away all the trash, the sins, the evidence and the night.
The strippers were finished stripping, the drunkards were finished drinking. The
terrace plants again turned green and the buildings again became historic. The air was heavy with the smell of bacon, eggs and coffee. I went down Bourbon then Royal the to the River Walk. A few temporarily homeless men were still asleep under small trees, dirty , sweaty, and still drooling, they laid on the grass and looked very comfortable yet uneasy at the same time. I stopped to take a picture, it was then I realized how hot it was. I cruised to Pirates Alley to get some shade. I couldn't help but wonder how many people throughout history stood on the very spot I stood to shade themselves next to St. Louis Cathedral as I was doing (see picture). What a historic ride, people travel from all over the world to do what I was doing then. Jumped back on the bike refreshed and started toward the lake , went through City Park , great smells, fresh air, mild breeze, plenty space. Climbed the Wisner overpass, the got those endorphins flowing, I hit 20 miles about then and was feeling like a machine. No Pain. Got to the lake and was hit by the salty air and easterly breeze. The MP3 player was blaring and I switched from radio to recorded songs , I felt very relaxed, clear, focused and in touch with the world around me. I climbed the Bayou St John bridge and as I crested the top and started down "Misty Blue " came on, I looked up the the heavens and for about 10 seconds the world stopped turning. What a feeling. Again my mind was riding on my head in a lawn chair unattached to my body, watching the sights and listening to the sounds. I felt like I could just spread out my arms and take off . What a feeling. One of the unique things about riding at the lakefront is you can actually ride your bike into the bathroom. What a great ride. I stopped to challenge some sailboats (see picture) to a race but no takers. Rode the lakefront till I hit 40 miles, felt great, wanted to do more but I must maintain discipline yet. The rain missed me again, but it's alright rain only adds to the adventure. Maybe tomorrow.
As I write this I"m listening to my DOO WOP DVD and the Chiffons are singing "One Fine Day".
What a Fine day I've had. Money can't buy appreciation of life and the world around you.
In the words of Henry David Thoreau " A mans true worth is in proportion to what he can afford to do without" .
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