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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tour de Lis

Today was the Tour de Lis, a fundraiser for cancer research under the auspices of the Lance Armstrong Livestrong Foundation,  I rode 50 miles  in honor of my wife Marie who survived double breast cancers 1 year apart,  2 chemo courses and never complained , felt sorry for herself , took it all like a trooper and had no doubts about her recovery. Raised a little money for the cause and enjoyed the food , music and camaraderie, met several women riding that also survived breast cancer , they noticed the sign on my back. Riding under the canopy of oaks guarding me , embracing me, guiding me and displaying the hope for life under all circumstances.  Their majesty forms a panorama opening to accept you then closing behind you so you know your the reason they are.   I think about the security a squirrel must have living in the giant oak, protected from wind, rain, cold, I wish I could live with him in the notch of a olden oak and watch the world pass below me, snuggled by a furry tail, laying on soft branches ,leaves inlaid with dried grass.  If one more person calls me a squirrel I'll do so .
After I didn't win the $3,000 bike they gave away I rode to the quarter to see the French Quarter Festival, took the Treme route, the quarter was overloaded with music and food lovers,
took a break, shot up the River to Audubon Park, plenty going on there also, went home and felt like I accomplished something other than a bike ride.  I'm walking next 2 weeks to walk the Crescent City Classic with my Princess Daughter,  this is our 4th or 5th year , we have a great time being caddy, making fun of people, and trying to beat last years time. We talk a lot about life, people ,music, and life experiences,  we both agree that no matter what happens remember  "This too shall Pass:". Click on the pics to enlarge, , First one is a video of the high you can get riding on Roosevelt Mall, its beautiful , calming and majestic.


crowd for Tour De Lis.

Vendor Midway

Start of Foot Race.

More Foot Race

Waiting for Start

Rode in Honor of my Wife Marie, Double Breast Cancer Survivor

What a Specimen - send him to  a lab

Waiting for Bike Start

Bike Start

Bike Start

What  a Mug.

Multimillion dollar Decadant Doggie Depot .

Sprays, Pools,  benches, doggie chairs, dung mounds.

Roosevelt Mall ,Beautiful for long as I can remember.

Chicken on the Bone (band) .

Garys dodo depot, no luxury, no pools, stinky, filled, plastic, hot, .

Vendor mall.

Old Dry cleaners on St Phillip off Treme.

Old Dry cleaners Lanudry building.

Puglias Food Store, worked there 66 to 69.


St Ann st. ?

French Quarter Festival packed them in .

Always excited to run across a mound still stinking and steaming.  makes my day more pleasant and I know the owner didn't noice his dog dropping his cargo where people walk . . thanks.

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