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Monday, September 26, 2005

Woe is me.

In the words of King Richard "My Kingdom for a Roofer"

It's ok though, sooner or later I shall prevail.

I'll go ride my bike today in spite of everything


Friday, September 23, 2005

Not another one!!!

Well,well,well,beachfront property available in BatonRouge, Sun tanning in ALexandria,
Summering on the waterfront in Hattisburg Ms. It's all possible.
Where are these thing s coming from and why are they attacking Louisiana.
Grandaughter news......
Maggie Marie found her lungs, a trait she picked up from her mom.
Small but powerful , just like her mom.
She had her first pediatrician visit andall is ok.
"She was born in a crossfire hurricane".
I guess she always grow up asking why she was born in Baton Rouge and not in COvington.
It'll be like theFlood of 27 stories.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Went back to work, no technicians to do the work.
Waiting on their return.,
Moved in with mom.
Trying to get a roofer to do the roof, not being sucessful.
Pulling sheetrock in my spare time.
Diana and Kevin helping clean up.
Stacy and Maggie doing great.
What a year.


Maggie Marie Martin

MaggieMarieMartin ,

6 pounds anad 13 ounces.

Triple M

She and her mom and dad are back in Covington , with water and electricity. All are well and at home resting.



Sunday, September 18, 2005

A blessing in a time of everything else

At about 7;00 pm tonight (Sunday) Maggie Marie Martin was born -
6 pounds 13 ounces at WOmens Hospital in Baton Rouge.
My daughter Stacy gave birth to our first grandchild. As my children were, she is perfect. Mon and baby doing great, Stacy says it was a peice of cake.
In Hurricane news, got the mold out of the house, cleaned the ceiling and
pulled the sheet rock from the closets. Moved all valuables to the Kitchen ( a saferoom), thanks to Diana and Kevin it was possible. Holding off on any repairs till we see what Rita is doing, as recommended by Rusty.
Living at moms house for now, no cable or telephone but electrcity.
Staying in Baton Rouge tonight, still have our room
Neil and Danelle are also staying here so Neil can work in Baton Rouge
tomorrow. I have to get back to work as soon as I can and help out Rusty,
he's holding the fort down by hisself.
Things are getting brighter , just real slow at coming....
call me anytime, 504-388-7534

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Its Thursday

Dear All, Its thursday, I'm going nuts, more than before,
need to get homeward, starting to feel like Ulysses. I'll take the challenges, fill my ears with wax and roll me through the islands
of the sirens. Waiting for either Jeffparish to let us in so I can go to moms house or for Stacy to get electricity to go to her house, then to moms house,the people here have been great ,but it's time to go . .
Can't pull sheetrock 100 miles away...
Got your message Will, what a rap this will make.
Yea,well State street may not have been any better, who knows. .
hang in there , nothing is forever....

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ONe day this week,

Brother Brian and Gay visited yesterday, they then went to Covington
to see mon and Diana. I saw Will O at the dealership today, he bussed in from Atlanta, Heard from Louis Picard from Louisville Dallas Texas.
tusty Rusty helped me again today, don't know what I'd do without the boy, Diana and Kevin and I did Moms house and they helped me some more with my house, thanks again.. My street now has elec, doesn't help me much here in baton rouge, I got a pass to go back to work but can't leave Marie alone that long. We'll get there sooner or later.
At the dealership were, Rusty, Mike, Pio, Arnold, BObby, Larry,
Will O, Melissa, Bridgett, Frank Reed, Chuck BOrne, RObert ,
Chad, and Bret... Brandon was there yesterday. .
Heard from Gene, not much left of his home, sorry Gene.
Thanks for all the offers to live in , especially Maries family in Minnesota.
Looking forward to getting into mon's house and using it as a base to work on my house. Just need the Ok to go back.
Its all relative, thank God we're still alive, thank God we still have a house, Thank God we can plan a future. Some have non of the above.
more later.. .

Saturday, September 10, 2005

What day is it. ????

I think its saturday, can't tell any more, Stacy still has no elec,
went to Home Depot and bought some demolision supplies,
Being fed by the red Cross, anxious to get home, but can't ,
maybe to Stacy's , closer to home. . .
bored to death. .
want to start busting sheetrock, can't get in though.
Hope tarp on roof holds up .

Thursday, September 08, 2005


My son helped me 2 days ago to cover my roof and get some belongings,
The day before he and his inlaws pulled my carpet and emptied my freezer, and frig , he also worked on the roof then, thanks to all of them , I couldn't have done it alone, Neil, Nat, Danny, Danelle, Dawn, Greg and Michael, I owe them big time. .
Today I picked up Rusty and went back for more personal things, pictures, papers , clothes and my bike. MOld is growing on the ceiling and in the closets, it's gonn abe a loing hard road back , but we've done it before. .Can't go back no more , lock down, going to Stacy's as soon as she gets electricity.
SOrry no pictures , have camera but no computer to hood up to ,
this is the communal one in the motel, .,

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Its wednesday

Heard of or from the following people.
Sister Diana and fly- home
Mom - with Diana ,
Brian and fly in white castle going to Dallas, ,
Will - O in Atlanta,
Rick in Atlanta,
Gene in Shreveport,
Matt in Harahan,
CHad Callahan is in Plaquemine out of Baton ROuge.
Don in Kenner,
Debbie in Lafayette,
Rusty at home with power and water,
Joel the weekend warrier on Canal St.
Jan and Janet in Atlanta,
JOhnny and Aunt Betty in Houston,
Louis Jung in Tyler Texas,
Darrin Ralph in Lafayette in a crowed house,.
Pat my neighbor in Baton ROuge
Kirk Kratzenberg in Galveston or some beach in Texas.
David Bailey in Slidel- ok
Vladaslav - part unkn.
If you know someones whereabouts,
let me know , leave a comment here.....
Good Idea Will O.
Gary from Baton Rouge

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I visited the house yesterday, I'm not sure its' still our home , it been taken over by a hurricane, it's haunted with water and rot and wind damage. Yes , what they say is right, metairie and New Orleans look like Beriut after a war. Any tree of respectable size is down, any bill board over 5 feet high is bent over, I have water coming in my house through the leaking roof and up form the flood waters. No electricity, no water, no sewerage.So we stay in Baton Rouge till my daughter gets electricity then we go to covington. One step at a time. I'm starting to enjoy red cross meals. The house, a shell of the home it once was. God help us. .
I miss New Orleans. She'll never be the same.
My camera and I will have to find new dreams to record, new adventures.
new life. First I have to fix my house. A secure cave is priority one.
A good fire is second .Then we hunt and fish...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Still in the twilight zone...

Still in Baton ROuge, things are very nice, the Red Corss is bringing
food to our motel , nice meals. Tomorrow I try to locate money without working, , begging, whinning, asking to State Farm to kick in,
getting a job here as a porter. . or a bus boy. I'd think i;d liike that.
Went back to my houuse today, it stunk, 6 inched in the front two rooms.,
and the roof peeled on the left side and is leaking in the living room . covered it with tarps for now, hope they stay till I get a roofer.
TOmorrow is state farm, wednesdat is stacy's test the thursday is Marie's blood test for her chemo on friday.... god help us all.
Se la Vie. .

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Living in the twilight zone.

I'm living in the TWILIGHT ZONE, none of this can be real,
wound up in Baton Rouge, thank God for Uncle Elster and aunt Essel
for putting us up till we found a room, we may have to move back in with them if thing go on too long.
I keep thinking I'll wake up one morning and all this year would have been a dream .
Stacy's looks like she's gonna give birth any minute,
Marie is worn out and frazzled,
I'm tired of worrying about what's gonna happen next.
As I've said before, sometimes your the pigeon and sometimes your the statue, but how much bird shit can a man take in one year.
Longing for New Orleans.
Thing have got to get better, and they will, we're better off than
most, we 're counting our blessing and thanking God we're all safe and we have family and friends that take care of us....