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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hot Weekend

my yacht was in the cleaners.. next regatta I'm in.
inside story
My face expresses the heat and exhaustion of 55 miles at 100 degrees.

Did 35 mies Friday night, 55 miles Saturday and 50 Miles Sunday.
Kicked ass, great time... good speed, beat the heat, Plenty sights to see, Visited Audubon Park City park, Lakefront , Bonabel Boat Launch, Williams boat Launch,, French Quarter ,  Treme,  Marigny, Elisian Fields ,,, I was everywhere.....  On another note, a friend I ride the tour with every year, well not with anymore, George went recumbent a few years ago and leaves me in the dust now.. George e mailed me he's in the Alps in Switzerland mountain biking the alps, must be exciting, he sent a picture wearing cold weather gear. We'll miss you this year George , but riding the alps, maybe you can get a Mont Blanc pen off that white mountain or a real Swiss Army Knife.  Good Luck and be careful George.. I'll put some extra air in my tires for you.
I've had trouble sleeping since Friday night, keep seeing a mountain and a French guy playing an organ.
A little gray guy with big eyes tried to sell me a big seed pod he said would resemble someone I know..
I didn't go for it , saw that movie.. I did develope a nice tan since Firday.    Friday night on the levee I heard a loud, loud, grunting noise from the batture, it was deafening,  I got close and found it was a herd of Pugs on the levee snorting and grunting , about 150 of them, all black and white , they were accompanied by a Pug herder bringing them to the Pug convention at the Hilton in town.....
That;s enough to thinkk about for now. . My brain is spinning, it has room to do that in my head.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

WWII Museum display.

I think I used this Jeep for training at Ft Gordon MP School,
It look s just like the one I had, it was fun to drive , we were attacked by Drill Sergents with tear gas around every corner, jumped by them, harassed by them but the jeep kept going no matter what. The seat cushion is about 2 inches thick, the ride is rough , they will turn over on you ,
no seat belt, no air bags, has cruise control, aka throttle lock,  and can traverse 5 ft of water, I've driven them through 3 feet of snow and over hill and dale.  If you get to about 30mph in the dirt or ice and slam to 2nd gear in rear wheel drive and mash the gas you may get a double donut like we did. click on the pic for a closere view. . .

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who's Reading this attack on sanity?

Blog Hits........

United States 2,254

Germany 33
Russia 21
Japan 20
Canada 15
Poland 12
Denmark 11
United Kingdom 10
Iran 8
Sweden 8

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Red Dress Run.

Last Week was the "RED DRESS RUN' in the Quarter. It's  for Charity, everyone must wear a red dress and be able to run in it.   It set off some fireworks. . I'm the one in the red coctail with the mesh midriff, no  shoulders, black wig, and 4 inch pumps. See if you can find me. They even had red porta lets.
And I did my 50 miles too. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

 The last 3 weekends I've kicked ass, 35 miles on Friday nights, 50 Saturday, 50 Sunday, 15 Monday, and 10 Wednesday,  adds up to a 160 miles week. The heat has been a great motivator to NOT stop ,stopping is walking into a blast furnace.  Night riding is best,  cool, muggy, scary, unknown around every corner, a catastrophe could befall me any minute, but it  doesn't , plenty sights to see, smells to enjoy, keeping  vision focused on the headlight beam a challenging necessity.  Joie de vivre ,  lust for life,  relishing every minute through sensations, it's all a bohemian mindset.  In the words of Manard G Crebbs, "it's cool man". A vagabond expression of freedoms hope never realized further than the brow. I know we're just cave dwellers with ACT scores, but the vision bares souls, conscience, compassion, love, and finally neurotic behavior.   Is it different than the kid on a red stripped down wobbly tire, wooden pedal, torn seat bike digging in a flattened half pack of WInstons for a smoke to clear his head,  striking a paper match on the tattered book from the Topaz Lounge bragging about thier 25 cent Hi Balls,  gazing over his territory like a Viking after a victory.   Nothing's changed , view , feeling,  senses, what I give for a WInston..    

click on the pic to enlarge.. recommend....
River View
This is area 91 , rumored to hold the bodies of 2 Chubracabras under examination . No one allowed past this gate

River Front
Explaining to this squirrel the dangers of being on the ground with Coyotes on the loose.
Behind each of these trees lurks a Coyote waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting Chihuahua.
My head made that dent.

Bad moon arising....

Still chasing me.

Found some shade.
Over 26,000 miles
The Sign says it all.
Said he was thirsty
Chubacabra Liar.