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Sunday, January 08, 2006


Finished the final ceramic floor today for th e spare bedroom, now if there's a hurricane in New Jersey and anyone needs to evacuate we can accomodate them, or if there's a earthquake in California we can take in a room full. I still have a great deal of trim work to do , but we're in livable conditions and beginning to feel at home again. 4 of my neighbors have FEMA trailers,
there neat but small. Seem cozy to me but I don't have to live in one. Molly says there too tight .
The carpetbaggers are leaving town and the scalawags are taking over. . The trees are almost all ground up , the trash is mostly picked up in Metairie and the contractors and wanna be contractors, and has been contractors, and never were contractors are making a bundle.
Anyone that can hold a trowel is now a sheetrock expert. Roofers with one eye and vertigo can
't get to the next job fast enough. Thank God for these fine people rebuilding New Orleans while New Orleanians are Femacation..
Here's a refreshing thought , Hurricane season is only 6 months away.
Have I learned any lessons, yes,
1. don't leave, my house can take it.
2. stock up weeks of food and water because no help is coming.
3. MRE's are a good thing.
4. blue tarp your roof before the storm hits..
5. sleep on the floor so you'll know when the waters rising.
6. I've always kept an axe in the attic.
7.. Start your insurance claim before the storm hits.
8. Order sheet rock and roofing once you learn the storm is a definite hit and avoid price hikes. .
9. Make sure everyone in your family has a cellular phone.
10. Don't turn off the pumps..

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