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Monday, September 05, 2005

Still in the twilight zone...

Still in Baton ROuge, things are very nice, the Red Corss is bringing
food to our motel , nice meals. Tomorrow I try to locate money without working, , begging, whinning, asking to State Farm to kick in,
getting a job here as a porter. . or a bus boy. I'd think i;d liike that.
Went back to my houuse today, it stunk, 6 inched in the front two rooms.,
and the roof peeled on the left side and is leaking in the living room . covered it with tarps for now, hope they stay till I get a roofer.
TOmorrow is state farm, wednesdat is stacy's test the thursday is Marie's blood test for her chemo on friday.... god help us all.
Se la Vie. .

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