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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sunday Morning Smooth ride.

Got up at 6:00 am started to ride at 6:30. Stepped outside to be greeted by sprinkle of rain.
NO problem, don't stop nothing, had to leave the camera home, put my phone and mp3 player in plastic sandwich bags and headed out. The temperature was great, si never did rain and
my legs felt great, I felt like I flew through 30 miles in no time. You have to have a flood of
endorfins crowding you head to really appreciate Gods creations. The trees, the sky, the birds,
the insects, music, the sprinkling rain. What a feeling, I love this sport..
NO pictures today , but hey still a great ride.. 75 mile weekend. Time's running out , gotta to add some miles next few weeks. . .

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